Saturday, February 28, 2009

Newbie's Guide to Feeding Bearded Dragons

Your bearded dragon needs a proper diet to stay healthy. He is omnivorous which means he eats fruits, vegetables, as well as insects. This article will tell you everything you need to know about feeding bearded dragons.
If you have a baby or juvenile dragon, it's important that you provide plenty of protein in his diet. The extra protein is needed to help bones and tissues grow. Therefore, make sure you feed babies and juveniles plenty of insects in addition to vegetables. Adult dragons should have less insects and plenty of fruits and vegetables.
There are a variety of insects that you can feed your bearded dragon. They include crickets, earthworms, cockroaches, wax worms, and silk worms. It's best not to feed wax worms too often because they're very high in fat. Also, silkworms have hard exoskeletons, so you shouldn't try to feed them to younger lizards.
The insects should never be larger than the width between your dragon's eyes. If the insect is too big, it could cause a blockage, seizure, or malnourishment. You can feed as many insects as he can eat in 15 minutes. Make sure that you don't leave any uneaten insects inside the enclosure.
You should feed fresh vegetables daily. Some of the most popular choices include collard greens, dandelion greens, cabbage, cucumber, and peas. You can also feed your bearded dragon carrots, squash, green beans, and broccoli. Make sure you don't get feed iceberg lettuce too often. He can easily become hooked and it provides no nutritional benefits.
It's also important to feed bearded dragon's fruits on a daily basis. Strawberries, mango, melon, apples, grapes, and pears are all good choices. Other suitable fruits include raspberries, peaches, and cantaloupe. Make sure that you don't feed your dragon lemons, oranges, or other acidic fruits.
These are a few tips for feeding your bearded dragon. As an owner, there are probably many more things you need to learn about proper bearded dragon care. Fortunately for you, provides everything you need. So, stop by today to start learning about a wide range of topics like bearded dragon housing

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